The Akron Municipal Court will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 in honor of Presidents’ Day.

Led by Judge Ron Cable

RISE (Restore Individual Self-Empowerment) Court began in October 2018 as a court-sponsored program and is led by Judge Ron Cable. RISE became a certified specialized docket in November 2020. 

RISE is modeled after the Franklin County Municipal Court’s CATCH (Changing Actions To Change Habits) Court and was created to help adult female victims of human trafficking, prostitution and sexual exploitation. RISE is the first endeavor in Summit County for adults facing this issue.

Judge Cable began RISE to identify and help human trafficking victims and lead them as they create a new, positive path for themselves. Ohio law provides for expungement for victims of human trafficking.

Through the Akron Municipal Court's partnerships with outside agencies, RISE provides services such as trauma therapy, drug rehabilitation, housing, vocational sessions and other community support. 

Judge Cable, along with his team, have dedicated a great deal of time and energy to developing this program. Twenty-four individuals are enrolled in the program (as of July 2023).

RISE received the Ohio State Bar Association's Innovative Court Programs and Practices Award in September 2021. The purpose of this award is to bring greater visibility to exemplary programs in Ohio's courts and to facilitate the transfer of those programs to other courts in the state.

The Victim Assistance Program presented Judge Cable with the Rev. Dr. Robert A. Denton Outstanding Victim Service Award in April 2021. He received this honor because of his faithfulness, dedication and commitment to victims of crime and trauma through his work with RISE.

The RISE team is open to participating in informational presentations as part of our Have Gavel, Will Travel outreach program

For information about RISE, please call the RISE Court Coordinator Ashton Prinzo at 330.375.2053 ext. 3073 or 330.217.7947.

RISE Advisory Board

Individuals/organizations represented on the RISE Advisory Board are:
Honorable Judge Ron Cable
ACCESS Shelter and Housing
Akron General PATH Center
Akron Police Department
Akron City Prosecutor’s Office
Asian Services in Action, Inc.
Coleman Professional Services
Community Health Center
Freedom House for Women Inc.
Hope and Healing Resource Center
Knights of Columbus
Legal Defender Office of Summit County
Oriana House
RAHAB Ministries
Renee Jones Empowerment Center
Summa Hospital
Summit County Juvenile Court
Summit County Prosecutor’s Office
Summit County Sheriff's Department
Victim Assistance Program

Judge Ron Cable

Judge Ron Cable

Akron Municipal Court RISE Program Logo

RISE Program Logo